by ClearwaysAccountants | Aug 28, 2012 | Pension planning, Personal tax, Self Employment, Small business advice, Tax planning, Tax Tips
Are you currently saving for a pension? I know it’s not the most exciting of topics but the reality is that when you stop work and retire, you will no longer have your regular pay slip to rely on. So an adequate pension provision is vital if you have plans for...
by ClearwaysAccountants | Aug 8, 2012 | Self Employment, Small business advice, Tax Calculators, Tax Tips
[This information has been updated for the 2013-14 tax year] When you start self-employment, you do not get your first tax bill for a while, so you need to think about how much tax money you will need to set aside. The table below can help you to do this so you...
by ClearwaysAccountants | Jul 11, 2012 | Pay, Expenses & Benefits, Personal tax, Tax Tips
Few measures in the Budget 2012 caused such controversy as the high income child benefit charge (“HICBC”). Unusually there was no consultation on the legislation and as a result the draft legislation will be difficult to administer. The rules: A person...
by ClearwaysAccountants | Mar 28, 2012 | Capital taxes, Tax Tips
Inheritance tax planning is usually something that we put off but if you die without a will the rules of intestacy will apply to your estate. Year-end tax planning tip 1 – make a will You can use the forms available from good stationers but if you have a...
by ClearwaysAccountants | Mar 26, 2012 | Capital taxes, Tax Tips
Not everyone thinks of capital tax planning but a little bit of tax planning can save you a lot of tax over the years. Capital tax planning is especially important if you are thinking of incorporating your business. Year-end tax planning tip 1 – annual exempt...